USHAPE Training Materials
USHAPE (Uganda Sexual Health and Public Education) is a family planning training and service improvement model. The materials provided via the link below can be used to improve family planning knowledge and service provision at a health centre of any size in Uganda. USHAPE training has been accredited by the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB).
Download the USHAPE training materials
To download the UHSHAPE training materials, please insert your details below. By submitting your details, you agree that by using the USHAPE materials you:
(a) Acknowledge the materials were designed with the aim to be in accordance with WHO family planning guidance (2018) and the Ugandan National Clinical Guidelines (2016) but that it is solely your responsibility to ensure that clinical guidelines are complied with when the materials are used;
(b) Acknowledge the Margaret Pyke Trust is not liable for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions with respect to any of the training materials, or for any negligence, or otherwise from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in them; and
(c) Agree to be contacted from time to time with regards to notifications of content updates and other brief enquiries regarding the material’s implementation.